The Bugle Boy The Bugle Boy

Eighty-five-year-old Marcel lives alone with his memories of World War II — his short-lived days as a soldier before his capture and imprisonment by the Germans. He's got one thing left to do before he dies: find the bugle he buried by the Maginot Line. When his granddaughter Andrea stops by with her burgeoning rural taxi business, he hops a ride to the site of his regiment's defeat... only to find things have changed. This is Alexandre Clérisse's fierce, tender, and timely r

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Date de sortie16 avril 2019
ÉditeurEurope Comics
Accessibilité  Voir les informations concernant l'accessibilité pour le format ePub

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  • Le EPUB contient une table des matières qui permet de naviguer dans l'ensemble du livre.